
Identifying Collectible LEGO Minifigures by their weight

Identifying Collectible LEGO Minifigures is a big problem since LEGO started to use bump codes as of series three. There are, however, plenty of Apps that identify series 1&2 based on their bar code. Smart consumers need to “feel” the Minifigures to identify them. I am lucky to have a very talented young woman in my local toy store that has a nearly 100% accuracy with this method. I am afraid that I myself am not that skilled.

proposed to weigh the Minifigures in order to identify them. This does seem like a very easy and reliable method, under the assumption that you have a sensitive scale and that the Minifigures have distinctly different weights. So we put this assumption to the test and weighted all the 60 Minfigures of the series seven that came in one box (Thanks to Timo and Martin). Below you can see our measurements. The Minifigures are sorted by their average weight.

Minifigure Average Std Dev
Swimming Champion 09.963 0.024
Tennis Ace 10.238 0.064
Grandma Visitor 10.580 0.050
Bunny Suit Guy 10.823 0.017
Hippie 10.830 0.007
Daredevil 10.890 0.039
Computer Programmer 10.950 0.073
Jungle Boy 11.164 0.037
Bagpiper 11.255 0.078
Rocker Girl 11.307 0.012
Evil Knight 11.514 0.016
Bride 11.647 0.048
Ocean King 12.103 0.025
Galaxy Patrol 12.278 0.022
Viking Woman 12.310 0.012
Aztec Warrior 12.723 0.019

We then plotted the Minifigures’ weight and distribution into this nice graph. A PDF version is also available. The biggest problem is the small difference between the Bunny Suit Guy and the Hippie. These two can not reliably be distinguished by weight. You will have to feel the Hippie’s hair to be certain. All other Minifigures can be distinguished. The weight methods may be particularly helpful if you need to identify a larger number of Minifigures.

LEGO Minifigures Series 7 Weights

Here is the pairwise comparison of all the Minifigures. Keep in mind that the sample size has not been that great. For some figures we only had three measureemnts.

(I) name (J) name Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Aztec Warrior Bagpiper 1.4683 .03639 .000 1.3294 1.6073
Bride 1.0767 .03890 .000 .9281 1.2252
Bunny Suit Guy 1.9000 .03890 .000 1.7514 2.0486
Computer Programmer 1.7733 .03639 .000 1.6344 1.9123
Daredevil 1.8333 .03639 .000 1.6944 1.9723
Evil Knight 1.2093 .03480 .000 1.0765 1.3422
Galaxy Patrol .4453 .03480 .000 .3125 .5782
Grandma Visitor 2.1433 .03890 .000 1.9948 2.2919
Hippie 1.8933 .03639 .000 1.7544 2.0323
Jungle Boy 1.5593 .03480 .000 1.4265 1.6922
Ocean King .6200 .03890 .000 .4714 .7686
Rocker Girl 1.4167 .03890 .000 1.2681 1.5652
Swimming Champion 2.7600 .03890 .000 2.6114 2.9086
Tennis Ace 2.4858 .03639 .000 2.3469 2.6248
Viking Woman .4133 .03639 .000 .2744 .5523
Bagpiper Aztec Warrior -1.4683 .03639 .000 -1.6073 -1.3294
Bride -.3917 .03639 .000 -.5306 -.2527
Bunny Suit Guy .4317 .03639 .000 .2927 .5706
Computer Programmer .3050 .03369 .000 .1763 .4337
Daredevil .3650 .03369 .000 .2363 .4937
Evil Knight -.2590 .03196 .000 -.3811 -.1369
Galaxy Patrol -1.0230 .03196 .000 -1.1451 -.9009
Grandma Visitor .6750 .03639 .000 .5360 .8140
Hippie .4250 .03369 .000 .2963 .5537
Jungle Boy .0910 .03196 .802 -.0311 .2131
Ocean King -.8483 .03639 .000 -.9873 -.7094
Rocker Girl -.0517 .03639 1.000 -.1906 .0873
Swimming Champion 1.2917 .03639 .000 1.1527 1.4306
Tennis Ace 1.0175 .03369 .000 .8888 1.1462
Viking Woman -1.0550 .03369 .000 -1.1837 -.9263
Bride Aztec Warrior -1.0767 .03890 .000 -1.2252 -.9281
Bagpiper .3917 .03639 .000 .2527 .5306
Bunny Suit Guy .8233 .03890 .000 .6748 .9719
Computer Programmer .6967 .03639 .000 .5577 .8356
Daredevil .7567 .03639 .000 .6177 .8956
Evil Knight .1327 .03480 .051 -.0002 .2655
Galaxy Patrol -.6313 .03480 .000 -.7642 -.4985
Grandma Visitor 1.0667 .03890 .000 .9181 1.2152
Hippie .8167 .03639 .000 .6777 .9556
Jungle Boy .4827 .03480 .000 .3498 .6155
Ocean King -.4567 .03890 .000 -.6052 -.3081
Rocker Girl .3400 .03890 .000 .1914 .4886
Swimming Champion 1.6833 .03890 .000 1.5348 1.8319
Tennis Ace 1.4092 .03639 .000 1.2702 1.5481
Viking Woman -.6633 .03639 .000 -.8023 -.5244
Bunny Suit Guy Aztec Warrior -1.9000 .03890 .000 -2.0486 -1.7514
Bagpiper -.4317 .03639 .000 -.5706 -.2927
Bride -.8233 .03890 .000 -.9719 -.6748
Computer Programmer -.1267 .03639 .137 -.2656 .0123
Daredevil -.0667 .03639 1.000 -.2056 .0723
Evil Knight -.6907 .03480 .000 -.8235 -.5578
Galaxy Patrol -1.4547 .03480 .000 -1.5875 -1.3218
Grandma Visitor .2433 .03890 .000 .0948 .3919
Hippie -.0067 .03639 1.000 -.1456 .1323
Jungle Boy -.3407 .03480 .000 -.4735 -.2078
Ocean King -1.2800 .03890 .000 -1.4286 -1.1314
Rocker Girl -.4833 .03890 .000 -.6319 -.3348
Swimming Champion .8600 .03890 .000 .7114 1.0086
Tennis Ace .5858 .03639 .000 .4469 .7248
Viking Woman -1.4867 .03639 .000 -1.6256 -1.3477
Computer Programmer Aztec Warrior -1.7733 .03639 .000 -1.9123 -1.6344
Bagpiper -.3050 .03369 .000 -.4337 -.1763
Bride -.6967 .03639 .000 -.8356 -.5577
Bunny Suit Guy .1267 .03639 .137 -.0123 .2656
Daredevil .0600 .03369 1.000 -.0687 .1887
Evil Knight -.5640 .03196 .000 -.6861 -.4419
Galaxy Patrol -1.3280 .03196 .000 -1.4501 -1.2059
Grandma Visitor .3700 .03639 .000 .2310 .5090
Hippie .1200 .03369 .108 -.0087 .2487
Jungle Boy -.2140 .03196 .000 -.3361 -.0919
Ocean King -1.1533 .03639 .000 -1.2923 -1.0144
Rocker Girl -.3567 .03639 .000 -.4956 -.2177
Swimming Champion .9867 .03639 .000 .8477 1.1256
Tennis Ace .7125 .03369 .000 .5838 .8412
Viking Woman -1.3600 .03369 .000 -1.4887 -1.2313
Daredevil Aztec Warrior -1.8333 .03639 .000 -1.9723 -1.6944
Bagpiper -.3650 .03369 .000 -.4937 -.2363
Bride -.7567 .03639 .000 -.8956 -.6177
Bunny Suit Guy .0667 .03639 1.000 -.0723 .2056
Computer Programmer -.0600 .03369 1.000 -.1887 .0687
Evil Knight -.6240 .03196 .000 -.7461 -.5019
Galaxy Patrol -1.3880 .03196 .000 -1.5101 -1.2659
Grandma Visitor .3100 .03639 .000 .1710 .4490
Hippie .0600 .03369 1.000 -.0687 .1887
Jungle Boy -.2740 .03196 .000 -.3961 -.1519
Ocean King -1.2133 .03639 .000 -1.3523 -1.0744
Rocker Girl -.4167 .03639 .000 -.5556 -.2777
Swimming Champion .9267 .03639 .000 .7877 1.0656
Tennis Ace .6525 .03369 .000 .5238 .7812
Viking Woman -1.4200 .03369 .000 -1.5487 -1.2913
Evil Knight Aztec Warrior -1.2093 .03480 .000 -1.3422 -1.0765
Bagpiper .2590 .03196 .000 .1369 .3811
Bride -.1327 .03480 .051 -.2655 .0002
Bunny Suit Guy .6907 .03480 .000 .5578 .8235
Computer Programmer .5640 .03196 .000 .4419 .6861
Daredevil .6240 .03196 .000 .5019 .7461
Galaxy Patrol -.7640 .03014 .000 -.8791 -.6489
Grandma Visitor .9340 .03480 .000 .8011 1.0669
Hippie .6840 .03196 .000 .5619 .8061
Jungle Boy .3500 .03014 .000 .2349 .4651
Ocean King -.5893 .03480 .000 -.7222 -.4565
Rocker Girl .2073 .03480 .000 .0745 .3402
Swimming Champion 1.5507 .03480 .000 1.4178 1.6835
Tennis Ace 1.2765 .03196 .000 1.1544 1.3986
Viking Woman -.7960 .03196 .000 -.9181 -.6739
Galaxy Patrol Aztec Warrior -.4453 .03480 .000 -.5782 -.3125
Bagpiper 1.0230 .03196 .000 .9009 1.1451
Bride .6313 .03480 .000 .4985 .7642
Bunny Suit Guy 1.4547 .03480 .000 1.3218 1.5875
Computer Programmer 1.3280 .03196 .000 1.2059 1.4501
Daredevil 1.3880 .03196 .000 1.2659 1.5101
Evil Knight .7640 .03014 .000 .6489 .8791
Grandma Visitor 1.6980 .03480 .000 1.5651 1.8309
Hippie 1.4480 .03196 .000 1.3259 1.5701
Jungle Boy 1.1140 .03014 .000 .9989 1.2291
Ocean King .1747 .03480 .001 .0418 .3075
Rocker Girl .9713 .03480 .000 .8385 1.1042
Swimming Champion 2.3147 .03480 .000 2.1818 2.4475
Tennis Ace 2.0405 .03196 .000 1.9184 2.1626
Viking Woman -.0320 .03196 1.000 -.1541 .0901
Grandma Visitor Aztec Warrior -2.1433 .03890 .000 -2.2919 -1.9948
Bagpiper -.6750 .03639 .000 -.8140 -.5360
Bride -1.0667 .03890 .000 -1.2152 -.9181
Bunny Suit Guy -.2433 .03890 .000 -.3919 -.0948
Computer Programmer -.3700 .03639 .000 -.5090 -.2310
Daredevil -.3100 .03639 .000 -.4490 -.1710
Evil Knight -.9340 .03480 .000 -1.0669 -.8011
Galaxy Patrol -1.6980 .03480 .000 -1.8309 -1.5651
Hippie -.2500 .03639 .000 -.3890 -.1110
Jungle Boy -.5840 .03480 .000 -.7169 -.4511
Ocean King -1.5233 .03890 .000 -1.6719 -1.3748
Rocker Girl -.7267 .03890 .000 -.8752 -.5781
Swimming Champion .6167 .03890 .000 .4681 .7652
Tennis Ace .3425 .03639 .000 .2035 .4815
Viking Woman -1.7300 .03639 .000 -1.8690 -1.5910
Hippie Aztec Warrior -1.8933 .03639 .000 -2.0323 -1.7544
Bagpiper -.4250 .03369 .000 -.5537 -.2963
Bride -.8167 .03639 .000 -.9556 -.6777
Bunny Suit Guy .0067 .03639 1.000 -.1323 .1456
Computer Programmer -.1200 .03369 .108 -.2487 .0087
Daredevil -.0600 .03369 1.000 -.1887 .0687
Evil Knight -.6840 .03196 .000 -.8061 -.5619
Galaxy Patrol -1.4480 .03196 .000 -1.5701 -1.3259
Grandma Visitor .2500 .03639 .000 .1110 .3890
Jungle Boy -.3340 .03196 .000 -.4561 -.2119
Ocean King -1.2733 .03639 .000 -1.4123 -1.1344
Rocker Girl -.4767 .03639 .000 -.6156 -.3377
Swimming Champion .8667 .03639 .000 .7277 1.0056
Tennis Ace .5925 .03369 .000 .4638 .7212
Viking Woman -1.4800 .03369 .000 -1.6087 -1.3513
Jungle Boy Aztec Warrior -1.5593 .03480 .000 -1.6922 -1.4265
Bagpiper -.0910 .03196 .802 -.2131 .0311
Bride -.4827 .03480 .000 -.6155 -.3498
Bunny Suit Guy .3407 .03480 .000 .2078 .4735
Computer Programmer .2140 .03196 .000 .0919 .3361
Daredevil .2740 .03196 .000 .1519 .3961
Evil Knight -.3500 .03014 .000 -.4651 -.2349
Galaxy Patrol -1.1140 .03014 .000 -1.2291 -.9989
Grandma Visitor .5840 .03480 .000 .4511 .7169
Hippie .3340 .03196 .000 .2119 .4561
Ocean King -.9393 .03480 .000 -1.0722 -.8065
Rocker Girl -.1427 .03480 .021 -.2755 -.0098
Swimming Champion 1.2007 .03480 .000 1.0678 1.3335
Tennis Ace .9265 .03196 .000 .8044 1.0486
Viking Woman -1.1460 .03196 .000 -1.2681 -1.0239
Ocean King Aztec Warrior -.6200 .03890 .000 -.7686 -.4714
Bagpiper .8483 .03639 .000 .7094 .9873
Bride .4567 .03890 .000 .3081 .6052
Bunny Suit Guy 1.2800 .03890 .000 1.1314 1.4286
Computer Programmer 1.1533 .03639 .000 1.0144 1.2923
Daredevil 1.2133 .03639 .000 1.0744 1.3523
Evil Knight .5893 .03480 .000 .4565 .7222
Galaxy Patrol -.1747 .03480 .001 -.3075 -.0418
Grandma Visitor 1.5233 .03890 .000 1.3748 1.6719
Hippie 1.2733 .03639 .000 1.1344 1.4123
Jungle Boy .9393 .03480 .000 .8065 1.0722
Rocker Girl .7967 .03890 .000 .6481 .9452
Swimming Champion 2.1400 .03890 .000 1.9914 2.2886
Tennis Ace 1.8658 .03639 .000 1.7269 2.0048
Viking Woman -.2067 .03639 .000 -.3456 -.0677
Rocker Girl Aztec Warrior -1.4167 .03890 .000 -1.5652 -1.2681
Bagpiper .0517 .03639 1.000 -.0873 .1906
Bride -.3400 .03890 .000 -.4886 -.1914
Bunny Suit Guy .4833 .03890 .000 .3348 .6319
Computer Programmer .3567 .03639 .000 .2177 .4956
Daredevil .4167 .03639 .000 .2777 .5556
Evil Knight -.2073 .03480 .000 -.3402 -.0745
Galaxy Patrol -.9713 .03480 .000 -1.1042 -.8385
Grandma Visitor .7267 .03890 .000 .5781 .8752
Hippie .4767 .03639 .000 .3377 .6156
Jungle Boy .1427 .03480 .021 .0098 .2755
Ocean King -.7967 .03890 .000 -.9452 -.6481
Swimming Champion 1.3433 .03890 .000 1.1948 1.4919
Tennis Ace 1.0692 .03639 .000 .9302 1.2081
Viking Woman -1.0033 .03639 .000 -1.1423 -.8644
Swimming Champion Aztec Warrior -2.7600 .03890 .000 -2.9086 -2.6114
Bagpiper -1.2917 .03639 .000 -1.4306 -1.1527
Bride -1.6833 .03890 .000 -1.8319 -1.5348
Bunny Suit Guy -.8600 .03890 .000 -1.0086 -.7114
Computer Programmer -.9867 .03639 .000 -1.1256 -.8477
Daredevil -.9267 .03639 .000 -1.0656 -.7877
Evil Knight -1.5507 .03480 .000 -1.6835 -1.4178
Galaxy Patrol -2.3147 .03480 .000 -2.4475 -2.1818
Grandma Visitor -.6167 .03890 .000 -.7652 -.4681
Hippie -.8667 .03639 .000 -1.0056 -.7277
Jungle Boy -1.2007 .03480 .000 -1.3335 -1.0678
Ocean King -2.1400 .03890 .000 -2.2886 -1.9914
Rocker Girl -1.3433 .03890 .000 -1.4919 -1.1948
Tennis Ace -.2742 .03639 .000 -.4131 -.1352
Viking Woman -2.3467 .03639 .000 -2.4856 -2.2077
Tennis Ace Aztec Warrior -2.4858 .03639 .000 -2.6248 -2.3469
Bagpiper -1.0175 .03369 .000 -1.1462 -.8888
Bride -1.4092 .03639 .000 -1.5481 -1.2702
Bunny Suit Guy -.5858 .03639 .000 -.7248 -.4469
Computer Programmer -.7125 .03369 .000 -.8412 -.5838
Daredevil -.6525 .03369 .000 -.7812 -.5238
Evil Knight -1.2765 .03196 .000 -1.3986 -1.1544
Galaxy Patrol -2.0405 .03196 .000 -2.1626 -1.9184
Grandma Visitor -.3425 .03639 .000 -.4815 -.2035
Hippie -.5925 .03369 .000 -.7212 -.4638
Jungle Boy -.9265 .03196 .000 -1.0486 -.8044
Ocean King -1.8658 .03639 .000 -2.0048 -1.7269
Rocker Girl -1.0692 .03639 .000 -1.2081 -.9302
Swimming Champion .2742 .03639 .000 .1352 .4131
Viking Woman -2.0725 .03369 .000 -2.2012 -1.9438
Viking Woman Aztec Warrior -.4133 .03639 .000 -.5523 -.2744
Bagpiper 1.0550 .03369 .000 .9263 1.1837
Bride .6633 .03639 .000 .5244 .8023
Bunny Suit Guy 1.4867 .03639 .000 1.3477 1.6256
Computer Programmer 1.3600 .03369 .000 1.2313 1.4887
Daredevil 1.4200 .03369 .000 1.2913 1.5487
Evil Knight .7960 .03196 .000 .6739 .9181
Galaxy Patrol .0320 .03196 1.000 -.0901 .1541
Grandma Visitor 1.7300 .03639 .000 1.5910 1.8690
Hippie 1.4800 .03369 .000 1.3513 1.6087
Jungle Boy 1.1460 .03196 .000 1.0239 1.2681
Ocean King .2067 .03639 .000 .0677 .3456
Rocker Girl 1.0033 .03639 .000 .8644 1.1423
Swimming Champion 2.3467 .03639 .000 2.2077 2.4856
Tennis Ace 2.0725 .03369 .000 1.9438 2.2012

Version 1.2 released with in-app purchases

We are proud to announce the release of the 1.2 version of our The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog App. This is possibly the most significant update so far since it allows the user to purchase new minifigure collections, such as the 2011 minifigures (372 minifigures, 0.99 USD) or the non-standard scale minifigures (1237 minifigures, 1.99 USD). In addition user receive a free collection of the collectible minifigures (80 minifigures, series 3-6). We hope that you enjoy this update.