I am proud to announce that the fourth edition of the Unofficial LEGO Color Guide is now available. The printed book is available as a paperback and hardcover from Amazon and other resellers. An eBook (PDF) is available from Lulu. The paper printing process has a limited color space and hence I recommend the PDF if you need to have best possible representation.

The book many new features and updates:
- New Colors: the book contains the latest LEGO colors and several historical colors. The number of colors has grown to 196.
- Improved Typography: the headers and footers are now automatically adjusted to offer an optimal contrast to the color stripe in the background.
- Universally Unique Identifier: each color has now been assigned an Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). This removes any ambiguity in the identification of each color.
- More Color Definitions: for several non-solid colors it has been impossible to make accurate measurements. New references from the LDraw library have been added to provide color definitions for those unmeasured colors.
Sample Pages
Here are some sample pages that show you the main section of the book.