The new LEGO theme, “Legends of Chima” is upon us. Looks like Ninjas birds. I am sorry, I never really got into Ninjago. The new Minifigures, however, looks awesome.

The Unofficial Guide To Minifigures, Colors and LEGO Life
The new LEGO theme, “Legends of Chima” is upon us. Looks like Ninjas birds. I am sorry, I never really got into Ninjago. The new Minifigures, however, looks awesome.
Wendy Kaufman interviewed me about LEGO Minifigures and in particular BrickArms. It was a great interview and I am very happy about the broadcast: An Entrepreneur Expands The Lego Universe
New information about the Collectible Minifigures Series 10 and 11 is now available. Looks like we are going to have an interesting year ahead of us. On the other hand, I am somewhat under the impression that LEGO is running out of cliches. Yet another roman soldier, captain and scientist. The collectibles increasingly remind me of the movie poster stereotypes.
I just calculated what it would cost me to buy all 504 Minifigures released in 2012: 8361 NZD / 6805 USD. The two main culprits are sh027 (2296 NZD) and sh028 (2299 NZD). And there are still prices missing for 48 Minifigures. I really do not know yet how to tackle 2012. Help!
This amazing news just came through. A disabled man got almost shot for waving around his LEGO gun. Please, be careful with your LEGO. And do not hurt any Minifigures. Who knows in what kind of trouble you might end up in…
I upgraded our main database to Filemaker 12 and the most exciting feature is the external storage of container fields. I previously stored all the images as links only and migration to the new container storage meant that I had to re-import all the images for them to be automatically transferred to the server location. That took several days to complete. I am very happy that Filemaker is stable enough to run such a huge and lengthy task without crashing.