LAML interviewed me about the upcoming LABS2012 LEGO Show and the Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog.
Month: May 2012
Version 1.2 released with in-app purchases
We are proud to announce the release of the 1.2 version of our The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog App. This is possibly the most significant update so far since it allows the user to purchase new minifigure collections, such as the 2011 minifigures (372 minifigures, 0.99 USD) or the non-standard scale minifigures (1237 minifigures, 1.99 USD). In addition user receive a free collection of the collectible minifigures (80 minifigures, series 3-6). We hope that you enjoy this update.
Brickshow review of 2011 catalog
Jason over at the Brickshow reviewed The 2011 LEGO Minifigure Catalog: