Today the first proof prints arrived. The colors look great and the printing quality if fine. However, the bar code is too small and one or two other small errors occurred. The book needs to go through a second iteration.

The Unofficial Guide To Minifigures, Colors and LEGO Life
The nomenclature is based on the three levels of themes and the inclusion of the year. Each theme received a three letter code, listed in the table below, which already includes the codes for even non-standard scale Minifigures. The later resolved the need to distinguish between, for example, the City Minifigures from the Town Minifigures. All the figures in the Town precede the figures from the City theme. The nomenclature for Minifigures used in the book is:
h denotes the high theme level
m denotes the medium theme level
l denotes the low theme level
y denotes the year in which the figure was first released
s denotes a serial number Continue reading “LEGO Minifigure Nomenclature”
We created a taxonomy of the LEGO themes that is used to classify the Minifigures. In addition we create a Nomenclature to give each figure a unique name.